**Please read the User Registration Manual to Follow the Registration Steps Registration Manual

Employer Registration

Full Name *
Designation *
Garden/Factory Name *
Covered under office *
Registering as *
Select document for ID Proof *
Attach ID Proof *
(.jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .png formats only) Max Size 200 KB
Attach Manager/MD's Certified Copy *
(.jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .png formats only) Max Size 200 KB
Mobile Number * (10 digit mobile number e.g. 99540xxxxx)
Resolve the calculation * 1 + 14 =
Click the button to get Authorization PIN SMS on your Mobile. Please note that the PIN SMS shall be sent to the mobile number entered above.
Enter PIN * (Authorization PIN received on your Mobile)
Declaration * I, hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that furnishing of my wrong information may result in action against me as per the provisions of the ATPPF & PF & DLI Fund Scheme Act, 1955.
I Agree to the above Declaration